011-25886403 dayanand_school_wpn@yahoo.com

Workshop On Career

Workshop On Career Counselling
On 21st December 2019, students of classes ninth & tenth students attended the workshop for career counselling and stream selection which was a very informative session. This informative session was taken up by Mr. Kulvinder Singh from 'Wish A smile',an NGO. All the factors affecting the choice of the students were addressed and the myths and superstitions regarding the choices were removed to a large extent. It was indeed a share worthy experience.

Workshop on menstrual hygiene to spread awareness on safe menstrual practices
Menstruation is a natural part of the reproductive cycle. However, in most parts of the world, it remains a taboo and is rarely talked about. Moreover, studies have proved a direct link between poor menstrual hygiene and urinary or reproductive tract infections and other illnesses. A workshop on the issue of menstrual hygiene and safe menstrual practice was held bySHARP, NGOwith an objective to provide healthy and a hygienic environment to school going children for the girls of classes Vto X. Discussions on good menstrual hygienic practices such as use of sanitary napkins and how to dispose sanitary napkins were followed by precautions to be taken during the period and dietary habits, so, as to enable them to lead a healthy reproductive life in future. The workshop sensitizedthe students on various complications arising out of lack of menstrual hygiene.

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