011-25886403 dayanand_school_wpn@yahoo.com

Celebration of Rashtriya Poshan Maah

Celebration of Rashtriya Poshan Maah- Report
Our school celebrated the months of September, October and November as "RashtriyaPoshanMaah” (National Nutrition Month) to emphasise the need for healthy nutrition. This initiative is aimed at sensitising public on healthy eating, addressing twin issues of malnutrition and undernutrition and obesity in some sections and also intensifying existing nationwide campaign for 'malnutrition-free India'. Activities Conducted
Month- September/ October, 2019 Activities Conducted-Slogan Writing /Poster Making/ Collage Making
Topic- Balanced Diet/Hand Wash/Good Food Habits
Month- November,2019Activities Conducted-Composition of Jingles /poetry Writing Competition
Topic-Healthy Nutrition/ Balanced Diet for Children

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