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House Meeting Activities

House Meeting Activities -November & December'2019
On 8th November'2019
To engage and nurture their creativity a competition of Wall HangingMakingCompetition using waste material was held for the students of classes III to V and decoration of Earthen Pots for the classes VI to VIII. Winners of the Earthern Pot Decoration Competition were Vijay Rawat VIII B (1st Position), Sanyam VII C( 2nd Position), Sahil VII C(3rd Position)
Winners of the Wall Hanging Making Competition wereSachitaIV B (1st Position), NaitikIV B( 2nd Position), Bhavya IV A (3rd Position) Grandparents are one of the most important people in our lives therefore thestudents of classes I & II performed an activity of Card Making for their grandparents to show how much they love and thank them for all they've done for them.
On 29th November'2019
In an effort to lay a strong foundation of Mathematics,the students of classes I & II participated in Mental Maths and Dodging Tables activities and the students of classes VI to VIII participated in making advertisement on the topic 'Save Environment', which challenged their creative thinking skills. Winners of the Creative Writing Competition were Archana VII C(1st Position), Priya VII C( 2nd Position) , Harshit Yadav VII B,Tripti VII A (3rd Position)
Winners of the Mental Maths & Dodging Tables Competition wereJiya IA & Gunjan IB (1st Position) Navya IA & Karampreet IB( 2nd Position) , Manna IA &Nali n IB (3rd Position)
On 13thDecember'2019
Junk food and healthy food keep clashing with each other over nutrients and calories. Though kids know healthy food is good for our body but then also they pick junk food if given a choice. They prefer to have a burger instead of fruit Salad. To teach them the advantages of healthy food and what good it can do to our bodies, an activity on Collage of healthy and Junk Food was held for the students of classes I & II and writing lines on Good Food Habits for the students of class III.
The students of classes IV & V participated in Paper Bag Making Activity.
On 20th December'2019
A warm tribute was paid to Swami Shradhanand ji Balidan Diwas marked on 23rd Decemeber 2019, a talk by class teacher was held for the students of classes I to V to make students aware of his contributions in propagating the teachings of Dayananda Saraswati and to teach them to live with harmony and peace and follow the steps of Swamiji.
Students of classes VI & VIII performed One Act Play and students of class VII skit on the topic Nutrition & Myths related to Junk Food to celebrate Rashtriya Poshan Maah, as directed by department.

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